Red Seaweed

Photo Red Seaweed :: fragrance ingredients

Red Seaweed, scientifically referred to as Rhodophyta, is utilized primarily for its ability to impart a salty, fresh dimension that enhances aquatic and fresh fragrances. Its use in perfumery is relatively modern, aligned with the growing popularity of marine and aquatic scents that evoke the freshness of the sea. Valued for its fresh, marine note, it is reminiscent of ocean breezes and coastal aromas, without the fishy or overly iodine-heavy undertones.

Natural or Synthetic?
Extracting scent compounds from Red Seaweed naturally is challenging and can be inconsistent; thus, synthetic equivalents are often used to ensure fragrance stability and intensity.

Fragrance Families Red Seaweed Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Red Seaweed

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain red seaweed