
Photo Rhododendron :: fragrance ingredients

Rhododendron, known for its vibrant blooms and diverse species, is a genus of woody plants often celebrated for its aesthetic appeal. Its use in perfumery is relatively niche, often inspired by the plant's natural surroundings. The aroma of Rhododendron in fragrances is subtle and nuanced, offering a blend of slightly floral and earthy notes. This makes it a unique choice for creating complex and layered scent profiles. Rhododendron's inclusion in perfumes is often driven by the desire to evoke the freshness of mountainous and wooded landscapes. It's not commonly a dominant note but serves as a complementary element.

Natural or Synthetic?
The specific details regarding the extraction of Rhododendron for perfumery are not widely documented. Its use is more about capturing the essence of its natural habitat.

Fragrance Families Rhododendron Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Rhododendron

Note distribution of rhododendron across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain rhododendron