Rice Flower

Photo Rice Flower :: fragrance ingredients

Rice Flower, scientifically known as Ozothamnus diosmifolius, is cherished in perfumery for its delicate and crisp floral scent. Native to Australia, this plant yields tiny, fluffy, white flowers that resemble grains of rice, hence its name. In perfumery, Rice Flower is appreciated for its light, airy, and slightly sweet fragrance, which often carries a subtle hint of freshness akin to clean linen. Its inclusion in fragrances adds a natural, understated elegance, making it ideal for creating sophisticated, fresh floral compositions. This note is especially valued for its ability to blend harmoniously with both heavier woody notes and lighter citrus tones, providing a versatile and appealing background in many perfume formulations.

Natural or Synthetic?
While the extraction of essential oils from Rice Flower is rare due to its subtle aroma and the predominance of synthetic alternatives, it can be synthesized to mimic its natural fragrance, offering a cost-effective and consistent quality for use in perfumery.

Fragrance Families Rice Flower Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Rice Flower

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain rice flower