Rose Centifolia

Photo Rose Centifolia :: fragrance ingredients

Rose Centifolia or Centifolia Rose, scientifically known as Rosa × centifolia 'de Mai,' and often called the May Rose or Rose de Mai is a revered and essential element in the realm of perfumery. This particular rose variety, predominantly cultivated in the fragrant fields of Grasse, France, holds an illustrious history that spans centuries. Its exquisite fragrance, characterized by its profound floral notes accompanied by honeyed and subtle spicy undertones, has made it a cherished favorite among perfumers worldwide.The role of Centifolia Rose in perfumery is deeply rooted in tradition and opulence. Its origins can be traced back to ancient times, but it truly came into prominence during the 17th century when the dedicated cultivation of roses for perfumery purposes commenced in the Grasse region. The labor-intensive process of nurturing and harvesting these roses, coupled with their limited seasonal availability, enhances their exclusivity and esteemed status in the world of high-end fragrances.Within the symphony of fragrance compositions, Rose Centifolia assumes a pivotal role, infusing an air of elegance and an intensely floral character. Often positioned as a heart note, it contributes depth and a romantic allure to perfumes. Its multifaceted aroma, capable of transitioning from sweet to subtly spicy, seamlessly harmonizes with an array of other fragrance notes, culminating in a complex sensory journey that defines the art of perfumery.

Natural or Synthetic?
Centifolia Rose oil is traditionally extracted through steam distillation or solvent extraction of the petals. However, due to the high cost and the large quantity of roses required to produce a small amount of oil, synthetic versions are also developed and used in perfumery to replicate its scent. These synthetic versions provide a cost-effective and consistent alternative to natural rose oil.

Fragrance Families Rose Centifolia Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Rose Centifolia

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain rose centifolia