Rose Tea

Photo Rose Tea :: fragrance ingredients

Rose Tea in fragrances combines the delicate aroma of roses with the warm, comforting scent of tea, creating a unique and sophisticated note. This ingredient is known for its soft, floral, and slightly herbal character. The history of Rose Tea in perfumery can be traced to the blend of traditional rose scents with more modern, comforting tea notes. It is often used to add a subtle, nuanced floral quality, different from the more intense traditional rose aroma. Rose Tea works exceptionally well with other floral and soft woody notes, adding depth and a sense of calm to fragrance compositions. Its gentle, soothing character makes it a popular choice for heart notes, where it lends a serene and elegant quality to scents.

Natural or Synthetic?
Natural rose tea essential oil is not commercially available, as the extraction process is complex and time-consuming. Synthetic rose tea fragrance compounds are typically synthesized from a variety of chemicals, including linalool, citronellol, and geraniol. These compounds are combined to create a blend that closely resembles the aroma of rose tea.

Fragrance Families Rose Tea Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Rose Tea

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain rose tea