
Photo Salicylate :: fragrance ingredients

Salicylates are a group of chemicals derived from salicylic acid, commonly used in fragrances to impart a sweet, floral aroma. They are known for their ability to enhance other scents and add complexity to fragrance formulations. Salicylates have a long history in perfumery, contributing to the creation of iconic scents and evolving with modern fragrance trends. They are versatile ingredients, blending well with a variety of fragrance notes to create a wide range of olfactory experiences. These compounds are often used in small quantities but play a crucial role in the overall fragrance profile.

Natural or Synthetic?
Salicylates are used in both synthetic and natural forms in perfumery. The synthetic form is often preferred due to cost-effectiveness and consistent quality. Natural extraction of salicylates can be more expensive and yield varying results. The synthetic production involves chemical synthesis, providing a stable and reliable source for perfumers. The choice between natural and synthetic forms depends on the desired fragrance profile and cost considerations.

Fragrance Families Salicylate Most Commonly Found In

Show fragrances that contain Salicylate as a note

Some Statistics on Salicylate

Note distribution of salicylate across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain salicylate