Photo Sand :: fragrance ingredients

Sand is utilized in perfumery to evoke a clean, crisp, and serene ambiance reminiscent of beaches and desert landscapes. It is often used to introduce a dry, mineral, and almost gritty nuance to fragrance compositions. Sand as a fragrance note is not derived from actual sand but is instead a blend of other natural or synthetic ingredients that mimic its scent. This conceptual note aims to evoke the vast openness and purity of landscapes such as beaches and deserts, bringing a unique earthiness that enhances aquatic and woody scents.

Natural or Synthetic?
The nature of Sand as a conceptual fragrance note means traditional extraction methods do not apply. It is crafted through the blending of other aroma compounds to mimic the dry, clean scent associated with sand. Due to this, it is neither purely natural nor synthetic but a creation of perfumery artistry.

Fragrance Families Sand Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Sand

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain sand