Sea Accord

Photo Sea Accord :: fragrance ingredients

Sea Accord in perfumery refers to a synthetic composition designed to mimic the complex scent of the sea. Unlike specific ingredients that are directly extracted, Sea Accord is a crafted blend of various components to evoke the smell of ocean air, salty water, and coastal vegetation. It encapsulates the olfactory experience of the seaside and is often utilized in perfumes to convey freshness and a sense of purity.

Sea Accord is typically composed of aquatic notes, mineral elements, and sometimes green or citrus notes to simulate the freshness of the ocean breeze. Common components include calone (a synthetic molecule with a marine, melon-like aroma), salt, seaweed extracts, and other marine elements. These ingredients are combined in a manner that reflects the airy, open, and crisp environment of the sea. This accord is especially popular in fragrances aiming to produce a fresh, clean, and invigorating scent profile. It's commonly found in the "Aquatic" or "Fresh" fragrance families, where it contributes to the creation of scents meant for summer, sporty themes, or any fragrance designed to impart a feeling of cleanliness and briskness.

Conceptually, Sea Accord is used in perfumery to evoke feelings of freedom, escape, and natural beauty. It resonates with the calm and tranquility of the sea, making it a favorite in perfumes intended for relaxation and leisure time. Its ability to transport the wearer to serene coastal landscapes makes it a powerful tool in the perfumer's palette.

Natural or Synthetic?
Sea Accord is entirely synthetic, formulated through the combination of various chemical components to replicate the natural smells of the sea without direct extraction from any natural source. This method allows for consistent and scalable production without dependency on natural variability.

Fragrance Families Sea Accord Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Sea Accord

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain sea accord