
Photo Smoke :: fragrance ingredients

Smoke as a fragrance note is a complex and evocative element, often used to impart a sense of mystery, depth, and warmth to perfumes. Unlike more conventional floral or citrus notes, Smoke adds an enigmatic quality that can range from the gentle wisps of a smoldering fire to the intense aroma of a freshly extinguished flame. Historically, the concept of smoke in perfumery dates back to ancient times when incense and burning resins were among the first forms of fragrance. In modern perfumery, Smoke is often associated with a sense of nostalgia, evoking memories of campfires, wood-burning stoves, or even the lingering scent of tobacco. Smoke is particularly noted for its ability to add a rich, deep base to fragrances. It pairs well with woody notes for a robust and earthy aroma and can also complement sweeter or floral notes for a unique and intriguing blend.

Natural or Synthetic?
The synthetic form of Smoke in perfumes is chosen due to the challenge of capturing the true essence of natural smoke in a consistent and replicable manner. Synthetic smoke notes are often created through the combination of aroma chemicals that mimic the complex characteristics of real smoke. This allows for controlled intensity and stability in the fragrance composition, making it a practical choice for perfumers.

Fragrance Families Smoke Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Smoke

Note distribution of smoke across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain smoke