Smoked Wood

Photo Smoked Wood :: fragrance ingredients

Smoked Wood as a fragrance note embodies the rich, deep aromas of wood that has been exposed to smoke, often achieved through the use of various woods like cedar, pine, or birch that are burned or smoked to infuse the characteristic scent. This complex note is a staple in perfumery for creating warm, inviting, and mysterious accords, often found in the base notes of a fragrance. The history of using smoked wood in perfumery dates back to ancient times when woods and resins were burned as part of religious and cultural rituals, both for their scent and their supposed spiritual properties. In modern perfumery, Smoked Wood adds a robust, earthy backbone to fragrances, lending a scent of authenticity and natural wilderness that is particularly prized in masculine or unisex fragrances.

Natural or Synthetic?
Extracting the essence of Smoked Wood typically involves natural processes, but synthetic methods are also employed to replicate or enhance the natural aroma for more consistent and cost-effective production.

Fragrance Families Smoked Wood Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Smoked Wood

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain smoked wood