Star Anise

Photo Star Anise :: fragrance ingredients

Star Anise, scientifically known as Illicium verum, is a spice native to Northeast Vietnam and Southwest China. It is notable for its star-shaped pericarp and distinctive flavor, which has been used in cooking and traditional medicine. In perfumery, Star Anise holds a special place for its unique aromatic profile. The scent of Star Anise is warm, spicy, and sweet with licorice-like undertones. This makes it a valuable ingredient in oriental and spicy fragrance compositions. Its rich and enveloping aroma contributes depth and an exotic touch to perfumes, often used to bring a sense of warmth and mystery. In fragrances, Star Anise is often associated with warmth, sensuality, and sophistication. It blends well with other spicy, woody, and citrus notes, adding complexity and a certain robustness to the scent profile. Its use in perfumery is a nod to the allure of the East and the spice's long-standing history in both culinary and aromatic traditions.

Natural or Synthetic?
Star Anise oil is typically extracted from the star-shaped pericarps through steam distillation, capturing its unique spicy and sweet aroma. The process is natural, but due to the complexity of its scent, synthetic versions are also used in perfumery to ensure consistency and to complement the natural oil.

Fragrance Families Star Anise Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Star Anise

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