
Photo Strawberry :: fragrance ingredients

Strawberry is a popular ingredient in fragrances due to its sweet, fruity scent. It has been used in perfumery for many years. Historically, strawberry has been associated with love and romance, making it a popular choice for romantic and flirty fragrances. In modern perfumery, strawberry is often used in fruity and gourmand fragrances. It adds a juicy, sweet note that can make a fragrance feel more youthful and playful. Despite its sweetness, strawberry can also add a certain depth and complexity to a fragrance. It pairs well with other fruits, as well as with floral and woody notes.

Natural or Synthetic?
The natural scent of strawberries is complex and difficult to capture through traditional extraction methods, such as distillation or expression. The primary reason is that the aroma compounds in strawberries are delicate and can be destroyed or altered during the extraction process. As a result, the strawberry fragrance used in perfumery is typically synthesized. These synthetic versions are created using a combination of chemical compounds that mimic the sweet and fruity characteristics of strawberries.

Fragrance Families Strawberry Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Strawberry

Note distribution of strawberry across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain strawberry