
Photo Sudachi :: fragrance ingredients

Sudachi, a citrus fruit primarily cultivated in Japan, lends a distinctive tart and aromatic profile to fragrances, reminiscent of a cross between lime and mandarin orange. This ingredient enhances perfumes with its bright, zesty, and somewhat spicy citrus notes, providing an invigorating freshness. Often used in the top notes of fragrances, Sudachi introduces a vibrant, energetic opening that captures the essence of freshness and purity. The note is commonly used to invoke feelings of clarity and rejuvenation.

Natural or Synthetic?
Natural extraction of Sudachi oil, while authentic, is less common and more costly than synthetic counterparts, which offer more consistent olfactory profiles and are more readily available for large-scale production in perfumery.

Fragrance Families Sudachi Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Sudachi

Note distribution of sudachi across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain sudachi