
Photo Suede :: fragrance ingredients

Suede in fragrances is valued for its rich, soft, and velvety texture. It offers a warm, luxurious, and slightly powdery scent that brings depth and sophistication to a fragrance. The use of suede in perfumery is a modern development, aimed at replicating the smooth and comforting feel of suede leather. This ingredient is used to create an aura of elegance and sensuality in fragrances, often found in sophisticated and high-end compositions. Suede blends beautifully with woody, floral, and musky notes, adding a smooth and enveloping character. Its presence is particularly noticeable in the heart and base notes, where it provides a lasting and intimate sillage.

Natural or Synthetic?
The scent of suede in perfumery is crafted using a blend of synthetic molecules to mimic its characteristic smooth, velvety, and slightly leathery aroma. These synthetics are chosen to recreate the tactile sensation and warmth of suede fabric. The actual composition can include a variety of ingredients like musks, leather accords, and woody notes that are blended to achieve the desired effect. This approach allows perfumers to create a suede-like impression in fragrances, which would not be possible using natural extracts.

Fragrance Families Suede Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Suede

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain suede