
Photo Tagetes :: fragrance ingredients

Tagetes, often referred to as Marigold, is a genus in the sunflower family. It is not widely known in the mainstream fragrance industry, but it has potential for use due to its unique scent profile. The aroma of Tagetes is complex, with a fruity, sweet facet coupled with a herbaceous and slightly medicinal quality. This distinctive scent makes it a candidate for creating intriguing and unconventional fragrance compositions. In traditional uses, Tagetes has been employed for its aromatic properties, indicating a potential for fragrance applications.

Natural or Synthetic?
The specific use of Tagetes in the fragrance industry, including whether it is used in natural or synthetic form, is not well-documented. The extraction process for Tagetes oil is not commonly detailed, leading to uncertainty about its practical applications in perfumery.

Fragrance Families Tagetes Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Tagetes

Note distribution of tagetes across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain tagetes