Tiger Liana

Photo Tiger Liana :: fragrance ingredients

Tiger Liana is a distinctive ingredient in perfumery, known for its multifaceted scent that blends botanical and animal notes. It brings a unique aromatic profile that is smoky, rich, and rough, yet at the same time sensual and exquisite. This complex scent contributes significantly to the depth and intrigue of a fragrance. The ingredient is a result of innovative extraction and formulation in modern perfumery. Tiger Liana is not a traditional ingredient but rather a recent discovery, particularly highlighted in Mugler's Aura fragrance. It represents a move towards more unconventional and exploratory scent profiles in the industry. The exact natural source of Tiger Liana is not well-defined, and its creation process is likely a closely guarded secret of the fragrance house. In perfumery, it serves as a testament to the evolving nature of scent creation, blending traditional techniques with modern innovation to produce novel and captivating aromas.

Natural or Synthetic?
The synthesis of Tiger Liana in perfumery is a result of its unique and complex scent profile, which may not be directly extractable from a natural source. The process likely involves combining various synthetic compounds to replicate the multifaceted aroma of Tiger Liana.

Fragrance Families Tiger Liana Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Tiger Liana

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain tiger liana