Tomato Leaf

Photo Tomato Leaf :: fragrance ingredients

The essence of Tomato Leaf in perfumery captures the essence of a freshly rubbed leaf, offering a green, astringent, and slightly bitter aroma. This unique scent contributes to the bittersweet freshness in colognes and summer fragrances, where a vibrant green touch enhances the olfactory experience. Commonly used to impart an initial burst of freshness, Tomato Leaf evokes memories of gardens and natural greenery, reflecting the growing trend towards natural, green notes in modern perfumery. Its use adds depth and vibrancy to fragrances, making it a sought-after ingredient for its fresh and lively characteristics.

Natural or Synthetic?
Natural Tomato Leaf oil or absolute is obtained through methods such as steam distillation or solvent extraction of the leaves of the tomato plant. This process captures the distinct green and herbal aroma of the leaves. However, due to factors like the complexity of extraction and the subtlety of the scent, synthetic versions are typically used instead. These synthetics replicate the fresh, green character of Tomato Leaf.

Fragrance Families Tomato Leaf Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Tomato Leaf

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain tomato leaf