Vanilla Absolute

Photo Vanilla Absolute :: fragrance ingredients

Vanilla Absolute, derived from the vanilla orchid primarily grown in Madagascar, is a cherished ingredient in perfumery for its rich, warm, and comforting aroma. The journey of vanilla from orchid to absolute is a testament to the complexity of its cultivation and processing. Each vanilla pod is hand-pollinated and undergoes a meticulous curing process, enhancing its aromatic compounds. The extraction process to obtain Vanilla Absolute involves solvent extraction from the cured vanilla beans. This method yields a thick, dark, and highly aromatic oil, much more concentrated than vanilla extract used in culinary applications. The absolute captures the full depth and richness of vanilla, with a profile that is balsamic, sweet, and distinctly vanillic. In fragrance compositions, Vanilla Absolute is revered for its ability to add warmth, depth, and a gourmand quality. Its presence in a perfume is often associated with comfort, sensuality, and luxury. The absolute enriches fragrances with its creamy, smooth, and sweet profile, often acting as a base note that lingers on the skin.

Natural or Synthetic?
Vanilla Absolute is produced naturally from vanilla beans. While the process is labor-intensive and costly due to the manual cultivation and extensive curing process, it results in an absolute with a depth of aroma that is difficult to replicate synthetically.

Fragrance Families Vanilla Absolute Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Vanilla Absolute

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain vanilla absolute