Violet Root

Photo Violet Root :: fragrance ingredients

Violet Root, distinct from the more commonly used Violet flower in perfumery, offers a unique and somewhat enigmatic presence in fragrance formulations. While not as prevalent as other floral or root-based notes, it hypothetically contributes an earthy, deep, and subtly floral scent. The scent profile can be imagined as a blend of the earthiness of roots with a hint of floral sweetness, reminiscent of the violet flower but grounded in a more robust and less delicate aroma. In fragrance compositions, Violet Root would potentially add depth and an intriguing twist, especially in fragrances that aim to capture the essence of nature and the forest floor. Its use would be a testament to the creativity and innovation in modern perfumery, pushing the boundaries of traditional scent profiles. The hypothetical use of Violet Root in perfumes could symbolize a connection to the earth and nature, evoking a sense of grounding and natural beauty. It would fit well in compositions that seek to blend floral elegance with an earthier, more mysterious base.

Natural or Synthetic?
not much is known about the natural or synthetic use of Violet Root in perfumery as it is rarely used

Fragrance Families Violet Root Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Violet Root

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain violet root