
Photo Vodka :: fragrance ingredients

Vodka, though primarily known as a beverage, is also used in the world of fragrances. It serves as a neutral base in perfumes, helping to dilute and blend various scents without adding any distinct aroma of its own. Vodka's use in perfumery is a modern technique, appreciated for its ability to carry other notes without altering their profiles. It is particularly useful in creating light, fresh, and clean scents, often in contemporary and minimalist fragrances. The role of Vodka in perfumery is more about the function than the scent. It aids in the seamless fusion of different notes, ensuring a smooth transition and longevity on the skin. Its inclusion in a fragrance formula is often for its neutral quality, making it a unique and versatile ingredient in the art of fragrance making.

Natural or Synthetic?
Vodka's scent in perfumery is achieved through the use of synthetic ingredients that mimic the sharp, clear, and neutral scent of alcohol. These ingredients are used to create an impression of Vodka, as its actual distillation process (fermentation and distillation of grains or potatoes) does not yield an aromatic oil. The exact compounds used can vary, but they aim to replicate the clean and slightly astringent qualities of Vodka.

Fragrance Families Vodka Most Commonly Found In

Show fragrances that contain Vodka as a note

Some Statistics on Vodka

Note distribution of vodka across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain vodka