Whisky is a fragrance note often used to evoke the warm, rich, and slightly smoky characteristics of the distilled alcoholic beverage. This note adds depth, complexity, and a boozy, woody warmth to perfumes, making it a popular choice in masculine and unisex scents. It is generally synthetic in perfumery, created to mimic the natural essence of whisky without the actual alcohol content. The note can add an intoxicating allure to fragrances, conjuring images of leather, wood, and warmth, and is used in both gourmand and oriental fragrance families.
Natural or Synthetic?
Whisky is synthetically recreated in perfumery because it is impossible to extract an essential oil directly from the beverage. The scent is formulated to capture the warm, smoky, and rich characteristics of whisky without the use of actual alcohol. This method allows for greater control over the scent profile while avoiding the complications of using alcohol-based notes.
Fragrance Families Whisky Most Commonly Found In
Show fragrances that contain Whisky as a note