White Cedarwood

Photo White Cedarwood :: fragrance ingredients

White Cedarwood is a distinguished ingredient in the world of fragumery, valued for its clean, soft, and somewhat sweet woody scent. Unlike its counterparts, White Cedarwood offers a lighter, more subtle woody note, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of fragrances. Its use in perfumery dates back to ancient civilizations, where it was appreciated for its calming and grounding properties. White Cedarwood is often used as a base note, providing a gentle woody foundation that complements both floral and citrus notes without overpowering them. The incorporation of White Cedarwood in a fragrance lends a comforting and understated elegance. It works exceptionally well in blending with other soft notes, creating harmonious and balanced compositions. Its ability to add depth while maintaining a lightness makes it a popular choice in both masculine and feminine fragrances.

Natural or Synthetic?
White Cedarwood is used in both its natural and synthetic forms. Natural extraction involves steam distillation from the wood of Thuja occidentalis, capturing its distinctive woody aroma. Synthetic versions are created to offer a consistent scent and to address issues of sustainability and cost, utilizing various chemical compounds to replicate the natural fragrance.

Fragrance Families White Cedarwood Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on White Cedarwood

Note distribution of white cedarwood across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain white cedarwood