White Honey

Photo White Honey :: fragrance ingredients

White Honey in perfumery is valued for its rich, warm, and sweet characteristics, bringing a unique depth to fragrance compositions. Unlike regular honey, White Honey is distinct in its lighter color and milder flavor, characteristics that are reflected in its olfactory profile. It is often used to add a subtle sweetness and depth to fragrances, complementing other notes such as florals, spices, and woody scents. Its usage is influenced by its ability to enhance the richness and longevity of a fragrance, making it a cherished ingredient in various perfume blends.

Natural or Synthetic?
White Honey is predominantly used in its synthetic form in perfumes due to the challenges and inefficiencies associated with extracting its fragrance naturally. The high sugar content of honey makes it difficult to extract the aroma compounds without altering their scent. Synthetic versions are cost-effective and provide consistent quality.

Fragrance Families White Honey Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on White Honey

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain white honey