White Iris

Photo White Iris :: fragrance ingredients

White Iris is a revered ingredient in perfumery, known for its delicate and sophisticated aroma. The scent of White Iris is often described as subtly floral with powdery nuances, making it a popular choice for lending a refined elegance to fragrance compositions. In the world of perfumery, the use of White Iris has been cherished for its ability to add depth and a luxurious feel to fragrances. Its inclusion in a perfume formula can transform a simple scent into something more complex and intriguing. The distinct characteristic of White Iris lies in its ability to harmonize with other notes, creating a seamless blend. It is this quality that makes White Iris a staple in many high-end and artisanal fragrances, where its presence is often a hallmark of quality and sophistication.

Natural or Synthetic?
White Iris is used in its natural form in perfumery. The extraction process of White Iris oil is intricate, preserving its unique aroma. This natural essence is preferred for its authenticity and complexity, which are difficult to replicate synthetically.

Fragrance Families White Iris Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on White Iris

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain white iris