White Peach

Photo White Peach :: fragrance ingredients

White Peach, known for its distinctive sweet and succulent aroma. The scent of White Peach is often described as softer and more delicate compared to traditional peach varieties, lending a subtler fruitiness to fragrances. While the history of White Peach in perfumery is not extensively documented, its inclusion in fragrances is often aimed at evoking a sense of freshness, sweetness, and lightness. The aroma is typically associated with a youthful and vibrant quality, making it a popular choice in modern, playful, and summery fragrances. In fragrance compositions, White Peach adds a juicy, sweet, and slightly floral accent. It is often used to create a tender and luscious fruitiness, complementing other fruity and floral notes. The ingredient's ability to impart a gentle yet distinct fruitiness makes it valuable in crafting fragrances that aim for a fresh, light, and uplifting scent profile.

Natural or Synthetic?
Many fruits, particularly soft fruits like peaches, have very low oil content. This makes the extraction of essential oils or absolutes either extremely inefficient or practically impossible.

Fragrance Families White Peach Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on White Peach

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