Wild Strawberry

Photo Wild Strawberry :: fragrance ingredients

Wild Strawberry, as a fragrance note, conveys a distinct, richly sweet, and vibrant aroma that vividly recalls the essence of real wild strawberries. Unlike their cultivated counterparts, wild strawberries tend to have a more intense and multifaceted scent, marked by a delightful freshness and a slightly tangy finish. This makes them particularly cherished in the fragrance industry for their ability to add a lush, fruity vibrancy to compositions. Wild strawberries are often associated with European forests and are celebrated for their natural rarity and charming flavor. In perfumery, the essence of wild strawberries is typically recreated synthetically to capture the enchanting fruity and slightly floral nuances, providing depth and an invigorating freshness to fragrance blends. These notes are particularly effective in gourmand and fruity fragrances, often serving to enhance the composition's sweetness while infusing it with a green, fresh fruity character.

Natural or Synthetic?
The cost of extraction and the difficulty in capturing the true essence of wild strawberries make synthetic replication a more viable option in perfumery. Synthetic versions allow for a consistent and sustainable ingredient that captures the nuanced scent profile of wild strawberries.

Fragrance Families Wild Strawberry Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Wild Strawberry

Note distribution of wild strawberry across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain wild strawberry