
Photo Wolfwood :: fragrance ingredients

Wolfwood in the context of perfumery is a conceptual fragrance note. It may be imagined as a blend of woody and wild aromas, reminiscent of a dense forest or untamed wilderness. This scent profile might include earthy, musky, and resinous tones, capturing the essence of a forested environment where wolves might roam. The idea of Wolfwood could be to evoke feelings of freedom, wilderness, and the natural world. It might be used in fragrances to add depth, mystery, and an element of the untamed. The composition of Wolfwood would likely be a complex mix of various natural and synthetic ingredients to achieve its unique and evocative scent. Given its imaginative nature, Wolfwood could be used in fragrances that aim to tell a story or create a vivid olfactory experience. Its use could be particularly appealing in perfumes that seek to convey a connection with nature, wilderness, or adventure.

Natural or Synthetic?
As an imaginative fragrance note, Wolfwood could be a blend of both natural and synthetic ingredients. The choice of materials would depend on the desired scent profile and the feasibility of sourcing or creating the necessary components.

Fragrance Families Wolfwood Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Wolfwood

Note distribution of wolfwood across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain wolfwood